Furniture care

Wood is material widely used in furniture and surfaces to decorate your home. Being a sensitive material, it requires proper maintenance so that its appearance does not lose its original splendour.

It is also important to take into account certain aspects that can accelerate wear and tear and that will require more frequent maintenance.

– It is important to protect your wooden furniture from heat. Avoid placing objects that can give off heat on any wooden surface, or use a tablecloth or coaster to prevent them from coming into direct contact. Wood can lose its original colour or finish if it is too hot.
– Keep in mind that if your furniture is exposed to the the sun it can wear out more quickly. Direct light is very aggressive for varnishes and finishes. As far as possible, avoid your furniture being in places where direct sun hits it for many hours a day.
– Avoid your furniture being in very humid or very dry environments. If the environment is very humid, your furniture can absorb water and swell. On the other hand, excess dryness can lead to the appearance of cracks.
– Clean your furniture frequently.

At Alex we offer you a wide range of products for the care of your furniture. You can take care of and renovate old, rustic furniture and any type of wood, as well as frames and crafts. Choose the product you prefer and which suits your needs to give your furniture the look it deserves.

– Furniture renovator spray: protect and restore your furniture to keep it as new. Thanks to its exclusive formula, it gives shine and renews your furniture’s colour and appearance.
– Extra Care Wipes: Clean, take care of and remove dust from furniture.
– Antistatic Furniture Cleaner: This is ideal to clean and restore the shine on your furniture. Thanks to its formula it delays the appearance of dust and allows you to keep your furniture clean for longer.
– Renewing cream: This provides maximum care and renovation to protect and restore your furniture, leaving it as new.