Legal notice

Legal notice

Website owner identification

The owner of this website is GRUPO AC MARCA, S.L., with Spanish tax code (NIF) B-61.711.503 and registered offices at Av. Carrilet, 293-297, 08907 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain, which is the parent company of the AC Marca business group.

Intellectual and industrial property

The design, logos, brands and other distinctive signs that feature on the website are the sole property of AC Marca and are protected by corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

Third-party website links

AC Marca’s website may contain links to third-party websites. AC Marca is not responsible for their content. Any risks related to use of them will be the sole responsibility of the user.

Likewise, AC Marca is not responsible for the legality of third-party websites from which this website can be accessed.

Responsibility for content

As the owner of this website, AC Marca reserves the right to make change it without prior warning in order to update information and add, modify, correct or remove the content published or design.

AC Marca shall not be responsible for the use that third parties make of the information published on this website, nor for any damages or losses caused to any users in relation to the information contained herein.

Reproduction of content

The total or partial reproduction of the contents published on this website is prohibited.

Applicable law

The applicable law in the event of any disputes or conflicts in interpretation of the terms of this legal notice, and any other matters related to the services of this web portal, shall be the laws of Spain.